This is the Gambit you've been waiting for
Mezco One:12 Gambit
Man oh man, 2020 just feels like it's moving in slow mo. Our last Mezco One:12 figure was Moon Knight, and he is still one of our absolute favorite Mezco figures, but it feels like an actual lifetime since we opened a Mezco figure. So I'm pretty excited to stand before you today so that we can gather, to check out another one of my all time favorite Marvel characters, and my favorite X-Man by far, Gambit! Does the Mezco treatment suit him well?
The Good
This is Gambit, through and through, just an outstanding capture and representation of a classic Mutant in his natural habitat (a dope leather duster)
His "armor" parts, shin guards / boots, shimmery purple jerkin are just magnificent. Nice, solid, hard and smooth to the touch, and the jerkin wraps around to the back for full effect
The coloring on the hard plastic pieces is just beautiful, shimmer is the best word for what they do
His duster, the stitching, the fact that there is a satin like liner. Mezco made a coat that they showed real concern should be comfortable for Gambit, and it should keep him warm, and he's an action figure. ....There is literally no reason for that, but they did it and it's fantastic
Gambit comes with a compliment of accessories, multiple hands, kinetically charged cards, non charged cards, hands with the classic multi-card throw effect and...
This is the best execution of that effect I've seen on any figure pretty much ever. Just perfect
His alt head gives that smug cajun smile, while the out of box head has him ready for a fight
Staff fits perfectly, and you can pull off a lot of fun stuff with the flight stand!
The Bad
I have not one complaint with this figure, it's absolutely perfect for Gambit
The rest
Gambit is wait listed at Mezco, but you still have chances to get him as outlined below, and I can't encourage you to do so enough. The only thing he's missing is...well, Rogue.
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